What They Are & How To Use Them

Target your Facebook ad audience based on your bot's users. Facebook can use the vast amount of data to create a Lookalike audience (an audience with very similar interests) from any one of your custom audiences So you can create a Lookalike audience from your fans, your email subscribers, or even you website visitors.

The things people like” and particularly the brands they follow and the publications they read are massive indicators of their demographic bandings, social class, lifestyle etc so stacking these types of interests on top of other types of targeting is massively powerful.

Show different ads to the same audience, or the same ad to different audiences. Small businesses can use a Lookalike Audience to sell to people who mirror their most active customers. Keep in mind you need to have at least 100 people in your source customer group to create a Lookalike Audience.

Your source audience can come from many different things - website visitors , email lists, video viewers, etc. By defining customer groups for Facebook to use as a prototype of the ideal customer, marketers can increase the granularity of their targeting. However, it can be said that had we used even larger budgets, all the audiences would have delivered a greater number of leads.

Use the slider to select the size of the audience. The only difference with targeting to an existing contact list is that you're sure your audience is familiar with your brand (as they've engaged with you at least once before). It's impressive that we can target consumer audiences in this way nowadays.

As users are excavated, the total lookalike audience must float at ~2 million users, meaning that Facebook must re-fill the audience. The same idea applies when you are using incremental percentage audiences - a 2% audience also includes the people that are in the 1% audience, so make sure to exclude the 1% audience so you will get the marginal reach of the 2% audience.

This can be either a Custom Audience, data from your Facebook pixel, data from your mobile app or the fans of your Facebook Page. Interests, like demographics, help you to serve more relevant and engaging ads to people inside your audiences. The great thing about having all those options is they allow you to zero-in on a very specific market or niche while Facebook optimizes the ads and audiences for you.

It may be tempting to create a large audience but the larger the audience, the less it will have in common with your current customers. When creating Facebook Lookalike Audiences, it's best to keep them small rather than target 10% of a country's population.

Like we said before, Lookalike Audiences have no life apart from a Custom Audience, so we'll start there. Get as many people onto your list as possible to use for lookalike audiences in the future. The results will be identical either way, so we highly advise you keep it simple with AdEspresso and split test your lookalike audiences within the same campaign.

Engaged with a post or ad- This option unlocks the ability to retargeting all of the people that like, comment, and generally click on any post. The most important aspect of generating effective Lookalike Audiences is using a high-quality Source Audience. One hiccup I've run into a few times is that the Facebook ad engine gets confused if you mix lookalike + detail + geographic + age related targeting.

The first step in building a Lookalike is to set up a seed audience. Facebook Lookalike Audiences are - theoretically - the best way to target ads to a new audience. They are created from people with whom you have an existing relationship—either as a subscriber or as a customer—or who have at least visited your website at some point in the last 6 months.

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